Intuitive Art
Although I'd love to attribute my foray into painting to all the years watching Bob Ross, my friend Mel told me about an artist named Flora Bowley and an exciting form of expression known as Intuitive Painting. I took a leap and haven't looked back. Thank you Flora for making me brave.
Note: These are in descending order from oldest to newest; they get better!
[Updated Nov 21]
Ocean Intuitive
My first painting. I listened to Moby's "When It's Cold I'd Like to Die" and painted for all my heart. The final piece has this lovely ice blue stone in the center.
Autumn Intuitive
Autumn Intuitive was my second painting attempt. I was still really nervous and used a lot of stamps I cut from sponges. It's meant to hang up on my backyard fence. That's most likely where it will go; above the english ivy.
This is a heavily-inspired by Flora painting. I've posted two pics: one with the feather and leather and one in better lighting that I took outdoors (when I was painting alongside the mosquitoes).
Between Earth and Water
My lady in the water-forest was my first attempt to incorporate real elements into my work. I was happy with the tree branches at the top, an idea I got from looking out my window during yoga. There were several layers (one of which I used as my latest book cover). This is the one I settled on. My friend Lauren asked if she could buy it, so I gifted it to her for Christmas instead.
Intuitive Forest
I was crawling closer to nature paintings. Getting a little braver.
It's a portrait. I listened to music that reminded me of this person, and painted what I saw when I thought of him.
This was layer 1 of an intuitive painting. I felt an inner pull to leave it alone. I didn't. Biggest painting regret. I'll never get it back. Sigh.
Leisha's Happy Ocean
Leisha (bless her) showed me a painting of Jesus staring into the ocean and asked me to paint it. looked more like the Mindflayer from Stranger Things. I decided to do a dogwood blosson instead. Not my finest work.
I spent the better part of a year doing only Impressionist paintings. In July 2019, I decided to revisit Intuitive. I kind of missed my "Between Earth and Water" so I painted "Free". It now sits beside my Ocean Intuitive on top of my bookshelf. I love it!
Anthony's Cross
My youngest brother had not received a painting from me yet, so at the beginning of August 2019, I painted this for him. He's pretty tickled, which makes me very happy. I was inspired by Josje Leyton's Fire & Water paintings. Thanks, Josje for inspiring!
This is one painting I will never part with; the one exception being if Josje wanted the original. I discovered Josje (Leyten) on La Vaga's channel and thought, "what a terrific person!". Sort of in that, "wow, if we knew each other, we would probably be friends" way. Josje is an artist and free-spirited wanderer. I find her videos very peaceful & inspiring to watch, as she is a genuine, lovely person. I painted this in honor of her and the spirit of adventure, intuition, and integrity that creates the magic of living (something that I will desperately need to remind myself during the next nine months of teaching). Josje has gotten to see the painting and so, I guess you could consider it "fan art". I recommend checking out her website and channel, both of which are listed under "Josje Leyten".
Love SLV
My husband discovered Sailing La Vagabonde on You Tube and convinced me to watch. I adore Elayna & Riley and deeply appreciate the transparency and openness they share with patrons and viewers. This painting is a tribute to them. It's created on the backdrop of an antique map of the Bahamas. The logo design is their own.
An experiment in watercolor, acrylic, sacred geometry, and mixed media. An investment in paint pens is a must.
I'd Like to Go by Climbing a Birch Tree
My grandparents had a single birch tree in their front yard, in the Pennsylvania mountains. As a child, I loved that tree bc I thought it was eternally covered in snow. Before gma died, the electric company cut it town because it was obstructing the power lines. I own two paintings of birch trees made by my gdad, and have painted three of my own now. This only took two layers and I'm digging the abstract vibe so calling it done.
A second experiment with watercolor and new use of paint pens. I didn't use a sacred geometry pattern because I wanted to try my own. It has a soothing and somewhat pensive quality to it.
Somewhere Across
I'm Watching the Nothern Lights
Oh Misty Eye of the Mountain Below
Caine Thoughts
She'd Make It Just to Burn It
A Little Waltz
Crimson Sunrise
Watercolor Spring